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Aluminum enclosures vs. plastic enclosures-what are the differences

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Aluminum enclosures vs. plastic enclosures-what are the differences

Sep 27,2024

When selecting enclosures for electronic components, there are often two options of material, metal or plastic? And in the metal shell, aluminum enclosures is the most common material. In this article we mainly distinguish between aluminum enclosures and plastic enclosures.

Material and weight of plastic and aluminum enclosures

Aluminum enclosures are made of aluminum metal, which is very durable and light with good thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.

Plastic enclosures are made from a variety of plastic polymers, which are lighter than aluminum enclosures (the density of plastics is usually between 0.90 and 1.50 g/cm³, while aluminum alloy has a density of about 2.5 to 2.9 g/cm³). However, plastic is not as strong as metal enclosures, and its thermal conductivity is not as good as that of aluminum enclosures.  

Appearance and texture    

Aluminum enclosures have a smooth and flat surface, after anodic oxidation, sandblasting, brushed, polished and other surface treatments. It can show the high quality of metal, very high-end and modern, often used for electronic products, such as laptops and audio equipment.

Plastic enclosures can be manufactured in a wide range of colors and textures through surface treatment techniques such as painting, plating, silk-screening, and laser engraving. It is also possible to simulate the appearance of metal by adding metal powders, but does not have the thermal conductivity like aluminum enclosures.

Manufacturing and processing

The processing of plastic shells includes injection molding, blow molding, compression molding, etc. These processes enable plastic enclosure to be molded quickly with lower processing costs, which are suitable for mass production.

Aluminum enclosures are more expensive to process because of the precision machining and complex surface treatment, and the production efficiency is relatively low, but the quality of aluminum enclosures is high, making them suitable for high-end markets and precision equipment.

If there is no high requirement of material performance and processing accuracy, plastic enclosures are a more economical choice compared to aluminum enclosures.

Durability and impact resistance

Aluminum enclosures have high strength and hardness. It is able to withstand the impact and extrusion in daily use, effectively preventing damage to the equipment.Plastic housings have good toughness and elasticity, but may crack or deform under high impact conditions.Aluminum enclosure boxes may be a better choice if the product is to be used in  extreme conditions where the material needs to resist rust, flame, and UV. Aluminum, as a naturally conductive metal, is capable of shielding against electromagnetic waves and radio frequency interference.

Aluminum enclosures are environmentally friendly

Aluminum is called the green metal because it is an environmentally friendly metal. Recycling this material saves 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from raw materials. It can be recycled an unlimited number of times without loss of performance. The production of plastic enclosures can result in the release of microplastic particles, which degrade very slowly in the natural environment and may contribute to long-term environmental issues. Therefore, from the point of view of sustainable development, it is best to choose aluminum enclosures for your equipment.\


In summary, both plastic and aluminum enclosures have their specific characteristics and application scenarios. The choice of material depends on the product's design requirements, cost budget, and durability needs. As technology continues to advance, the use of these two materials will become more and more widespread. At JLCMC, over 30 aluminum enclosures are available now! We offer customizable services to ensure that the aluminum enclosures perfectly match your design and functionality requirements.

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